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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Extreme Theology: Exposing The Cult-Like Hostile Takeover Tactics of the Purpose-Driven Church Transitioning Seminar

I am sickened and saddened over this! If you feel that your church has fallen prey to this, what is it then that God will have you to do?

Extreme Theology: Exposing The Cult-Like Hostile Takeover Tactics of the Purpose-Driven Church Transitioning Seminar
<embed src='' height='265' width='500' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars="&author=Chris%20Rosebrough&"/>

Friday, January 20, 2012

What It's All About

This is the beginning of my blog. I will tell you up front that I am going to be very up front with my blog. As the title implies, I will be writing about things that I dislike and things that I like. This includes products and services, books and magazines, TV shows, people and opinions. I may talk about politics and or religion (GASP!). There is a chance that some will be offended by what I write. If that is you, feel free to ignore what I say. I am not even the least bit politically correct nor do I try to be. I am who I am and that's all that I am. Just little old me, writing about stuff.
Please know that I am not seeking to deliberately to offend anyone. I just know how upset people can get over an other's opinions. That is why I am setting forth the information above. Full disclosure. Look at it as a kind of a caution sign  if you will. Proceed at your own risk, Knees may be skinned, egos may be bruised and feelings might get scuffed or rattled. At the end of the day, it is just words on a page that describe this person's opinions about stuff and nothing more.